

2021-05-06 来源: 责任编辑: 作者:贺旺(转徐立群)查看:

Brief bio of Ping Xiao (简介)

Prof. Ping Xiao currently holds the Rolls-Royce/Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Advanced Coating Technology. Since the 1st of May 2020, he has been appointed as Chair of Surface Engineering Board, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, UK. He is currently the lead of internationalisation for Department of Materials in University of Manchester, and has been responsible for recruitment of undergraduate students from Chinese Universities for 2+2/3+2 materials science and engineering programme for over 12 years.  He joined University of Manchester as a Lecturer in 2001, then became Senior Lecturer in 2003, Reader in 2005, and Professor in 2008. He is a professor of Materials Science in University of Manchester and Henry Royce Institute, which is a national institute of materials in UK. Ping Xiao did his undergraduate and postgraduate study of Chemistry in Jilin University, P. R. China. He went to Oxford University to study Materials Science for DPhil since 1989, and became a postdoctoral research fellow in Oxford since 1993. Then he joined Brunel University as a Lecturer since 1996, and became Senior Lecturer in 2000.


Ping Xiao’s talk (报告摘要)

Ping Xiao’s talk will cover introduction to University of Manchester (UoM), Faculty of Science and Engineering and Department of Materials in UoM. His talk will be focused on introduction of undergraduate teaching programme in Department of Materials mostly for audience of undergraduates. A brief feedback from the current Chinese students in Department of Materials in UoM will be presented. In addition, short videos on University of Manchester and Henry Royce Institute, a national Institute of advanced materials will be shown.

Time: May 11, 2021 07:00 PM Beijing, Shanghai

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Meeting ID: ‪910 8147 5093