
【学术报告】Intracellular Infection and Immunoengineering

2018-06-20 来源: 责任编辑: 作者:sdq(转徐立群)查看:

报告题目:Intracellular Infection and Immunoengineering



报告地点:材料与能源学部21210 10:00-11:00


报告摘要:Implant-associated infections are often difficult to treat and have significant rates of treatment failure leading to chronic and recurrent infections. Currently, antibiotics (along with surgery) are the mainstays of treatment for implant-associated infections. However, the overuse of antibiotics has led to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, such as methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Moreover, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), the leading cause of various infections worldwide, has shown the ability to survive intracellularly, further complicating treatment options. In this talk, the challenges in dealing with implant-associated infections are discussed, the potential roles of intracellular bacteria are examined, and promising new therapeutic approaches are presented.


报告人简介:李教授1972年出生,湖南人,中国科学院金属研究所博士,师从李依依院士和戎利建研究员。博士毕业后, 李教授在美国圣母大学(2000-2002)和路易斯安那理工大学(2002-2005)从事博士后研究工作。2005年李教授被聘为西弗吉尼亚大学医院骨科助理教授, 2011年晋升为副教授 (tenured)2017 年晋升为正教授。李教授在过去的12年主持科研项目经费超过300万美元(人民币2000多万),参与的课题超过3800万美元。李教授已发表学术论文77篇,书籍章节9篇,申请14个专利,授权美国专利3个。李教授研究组的论文发表在Materials Today (IF=21.695; 2 papers), Chem Mater (IF=9.466; 2 papers), Advanced Science (IF=9.034), J Mater Chem A (IF=8.867; 2 papers), Biomaterials (IF=8.402), ACS Appl Mater Interfaces (IF=7.504; 2 papers), Appl Energy (IF=7.182; 3 papers), Chem Common (IF=6.319), Nanomed (IF=5.72), Biomacromolecules (IF=5.246), Adv Healthcare Mater (IF=5.11), J Mater Chem B (IF=4.872), Antimicrob Agents Chemother (IF=4.302), Int J Nanomed (IF=4.3; 5 papers), etc.

李教授研究组的研究方向主要包括:(i) 生物材料,纳米材料,纳米医学,及纳米毒性; (ii)植入材料的感染,特别是通过调理人体免疫功能预防感染以及细胞内感染;(iii)有机/无机纳米材料及新型相变材料; (iv) 碳捕获及新型能源材料;(v)感染及纳米毒性动物模型以及(vi) 临床研究。