【学术报告】Beyond Conventional Medicine with Micro/Nano Technology
Name: Yi ZHANG (张翼)
Title: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Nanyang Technological University
Email: yi_zhang@ntu.edu.sg
Website: www.yizlab.com
Talk Title: Beyond Conventional Medicine with Micro/Nano Technology(利用微纳米技术超越传统医疗科技)
Conventional medicine relies on centralized diagnostics and generalized clinical intervention. My research aims to improve clinical outcomes through point-of-care diagnostics and personalized medicine that are enabled by micro/nanotechnology. I will first talk about magnetic digital microfluidics with novel surface features that enable a full-range of droplet manipulations and greatly extend its applicability in point-of-care molecular diagnostics and antimicrobial susceptibility. After that, I will show a novel method for the fabrication of nanostructured materials. I will demonstrate the application of a silica-based hierarchical nanostructured material fabricated using this method in the purification of high molecular weight DNA for third generation single molecule sequencing.
Brief Bio: Yi Zhang is currently an assistant professor at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He received his Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA, in 2013 and B.Eng in Bioengineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2007. He received his postdoc training in the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, the Agency of Science Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore from 2013−2015, and subsequently worked there as a Research Scientist from 2015−2016. His research aims to develop micro and nano systems to bridge the gap between engineering advancement and current medicine practice. In recognition of his work, he has been awarded the Hodson Fellowship and the prestigious Siebel Scholarship in U.S.A. He is also the awardee of the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad by China Scholarship Council. He has received several best paper awards and art-in-science awards at various conferences.